Saturday, June 21, 2014

What's in a name?

The famous words of Juliet, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;"  Juliet's question was clearly rhetorical. Juliet doesn't really want to know what importance there is in a family name.  She is implying that the name means nothing. I only wish that Juliet's implications were true.  Names do mean something. On you can find over 6000 Baby Name Books because our culture knows that there is meaning behind the name you give your child. All of this to say that I have been putting off blogging because I just couldn't find the "right" name of my blog.  I researched names, I asked others about names, and I read articles about finding the perfect blog name.  I was getting ready to see if there was a class or workshop that I could take on the subject.

I knew I wanted my blog to reflect the work I do with children with special needs.  Not only am I a mother to these children but I am a Special Education Teacher for a public school in California.  I also wanted my blog to reflect one of my passions, traveling and take road trips with my family.  My husband and I have always said that the vacation or journey begins the minute we start in the car, not when we arrive at the destination.  This line of reasoning has circumvented the age old question, "are we there yet?"  Eighteen months ago when I started my journey as a Special Education Teacher I needed a theme for my classroom.  I have always liked themes and because of my love for travel, I decided on a "Map Theme" for my classroom.  It was at that time that I found the quote (although I do not know who said it), "Learning is not a destination, it is a journey."  I consider myself a life long learner on an incredible journey.  I love to learn.

The irony behind my travel theme is that I am always lost; physically speaking, that is.  I can never tell my North from my South and my East from my West.  My mother finally gave up trying to teach me direction and we just worked out a plan for when I got lost; which was almost weekly.  When I married Brian (over 18 years ago) he immediately learned just how "directionally" challenged I was.  He too in his wisdom, decided that instead of hoping and waiting for me to figure out where I was, he would just make sure that the vehicle I was driving had a navigational system installed.  It has been so nice to not be lost anymore.  Well, to be honest, I am still lost but my good old navigational system is not lost and it always seems to get me to the destination. 

It was not long before I learned to turn off the "voice" on the navigational system because I got tired of hearing the words, "recalculating route."  When you accidentally miss the directions the navigational system gives you, or you take a route that you think is better (I have never said the navigational system is flawless) then the navigational system will say, "recalculating route."  That voice can get annoying.  To be honest, I usually am not paying attention, trying to do things my way, or I really do know a better way so I hear that voice way too often.  

I can't help to think about how my journey in life is a lot like me driving to a destination.  God has given me a navigational system through the Bible, the Holy Spirit, circumstances, and other's around me.  And just like when I am driving, I either, miss the directions or purposely take a different route. Therefore the name, "Recalculating Route" seems very appropriate for my blogging adventures.  You are welcome to join me in my journey through this blog.  I encourage comments, questions and suggestions as I consider those around me as instruments in helping me during this journey.  During this journey we might go down streets that God never intended us (or me) to go down but because my heart and life are in God's hands, I can assure you that the destination will be to the right place - closer to God!!